Sadly, my Christmas break has come to a close.
I am all packed...well pretty much...and have everything in order to head to the airport and back to Missouri in the morning. I would say I'm all "ready to go", but who is ever really ready to leave home for a long period of time?
I for sure am not!
It's weird to think that I'm kinda excited to get back to see friends and that this is the last semester I will ever see some of these friends. I forgot about that part of my education when I moved to Missouri. I am excited for all that this FINAL semester has to offer, and kind of heart broken. I hate that I have finally gotten to a comfortable place there and it's almost time to go. Grrr...this love hate relationship I have with Missouri!
My point in writing today, however, has nothing to do with the end of my academic career at Evangel. It has everything to do with my family (and friends) and the memories I have made over my break.
My Favorite Things
Memories from Christmas Break 08-09
1. Snow...
It snowed more than I have EVER seen it snow in Seattle. It is the most snow I've ever seen that wasn't on a mountain.
2. The Great Christmas Tree Adventure...
Ahh the memory of trekking through the snow with my family to find the perfect tree. It was really fun. There was a plastic igloo covered in snow, peacocks, and talking turkeys! I went over to the turkeys and greeted them with a "gobble gobble" and would you believe it...they responded back with a rousing "gobble gobble gobble". My mom, sister, and I laughed so hard we almost peed our pants!
3. Sledding with Emily...
So before it snowed 3 in when it had only snowed 2, my sister and I stole, well borrowed, with permission, one of the neighbor kids' sleds and trekked over to the High School, which boasts some pretty gnarly hills, for a sister sledding escapade! If only you could have seen us. We both put on WAY too many layers and were wearing old snow clothes that barely fit. My bibs were high waters and my boots were low rise which with any sudden movement proved disastrous for my socks... Needless to say every time I bent over, stepped, etc. I had to beg my sister to pull my pants down. I would have done it myself, except for the fear of the bibs ripping up the back. We had a grand 'ole time, my sister and me! We crashed more than enough times, slid down the steepest hill ever on our bellies, and laughed crying in the snow exhausted. Upon arrival home, my sister discovered that she has sweat more than she ever had when her gray shirt, under all the layers was sopping wet with sweat. All the between layers were dry... Oh man, I'm laughing right now just retelling this story. It was seriously, THE MOST FUN, I've ever had with my sister.
4. Christmas Eve...
Christmas Eve is slammed with tradition for the Graver household. The morning is spent, cooking, and preparing for the Graver family get together, when we pack all of my aunt's, uncle's, and cousins under one roof, eat, play, open gifts, and engage in a gift wrap paper wad war. Since there were no babies present this year there wasn't a safe place to hide, and brilliant me sat in the middle of it all with a headache. Prime target for all. Needless to say I got pegged in the head more than a few times, but it was fun. Most of us braved the 3ft of snow to make it and watched as another foot of massive flakes covered our tracks while we enjoyed each other's company. I killed my relatives on an XBox game called LIPS. It's like Karaoke, but 10 times better. I got the highest score on my uncles game! Upon arrival home, gifts from the Graver exchange in tow, my mom, dad, sister and I turned up the Christmas tunes, and opened our gifts to each other. We all got some great surprises. I love seeing the looks on their faces when they open my Sue from the Surprise Party SNL skit would say, "It's the best part!" After gift opening we all head to bead and dream of what Santa (mom) will bring!
5. Christmas Day...
Since we couldn't find our stockings this year..."Santa" put our gifts in boxes. Christmas morning we open our gifts from Santa, listen to Christmas music, cook, and wait for Grandma and Grandpa Permann to arrive. This year due to the snow and their age, they took the train. This year we got the bonus of a white Christmas...we watched it snow all day. It was magical. It was only the second Christmas in my lifetime I've seen it snow. I won't bore you with our Christmas Day details, except know that my dad HATES cordialed cherries, but my grandma thinks he loves them. Ha ha ha, this always makes for a good laugh every Christmas when she gives him at least a box or two.
6. House Sitting...Or Not...
My dear friend Marla had me stay with her while she was house sitting, yeah, for a whole 6 hours. The family came home early. The fun part though was before they came home and we played in the snow like 5 year olds. Catching the HUGE flakes on our tongues, traipsing around in untouched snow that came up past our knees, jumping face first into the snow, and pushing each other down (the snow was so deep that if you fell you were almost kinda stuck in your hole till you got help). We ended up staying at my house after seeing a movie and having dinner with other friends. It was grand!
7. Emily and the Cheese Knife...
My sister LOVES gift exchanges. Well really who doesn't? Funny thing is that this year, at the Permann family gift exchange, Emily got cheese and a cheese knife. Ha ha ha ha, just what every 14 year old girl wants. She was so bitter that I got two movie tickets!
8. Dinner With Lizel...
My eldest friend Lizel and I drove up to Lynwood and ate at the Spaghetti Factory and talked. It was so good to spend time with her. She's my littlest friend!
9. New Years on the Island...
This new years I spent with my friend Marla on Camano Island in the Puget Sound (salt water). We stayed at the beach house of the family she is staying with right now. They cooked me so much food I gained 5 lbs. I loved my walk on the beach, making jokes about "marf knitting" (marf = man scarf, a scarf that a man wears), and sleeping in sub-freezing temperatures. It was really great to relax and do nothing in such a beautiful place. Uff da!
10. Beppo's...
My family and I drove into Seattle one evening for my favorite Italian food, Buca di Beppo's. Sadly my favorite item was no longer on the menu. Dinner was still good just a little sad.
11. Shopping with Cassie...
My best roommate and I got together and went to the mall to spend/return holiday gifts. She is one of my most amazing friends. I love that we can be apart for so long but hang out together like we never were.
12. My Dad's Golfing...
My dad got this annoying computer golf game for Christmas and he's been fixated at the computer since he got it. It's hilarious to watch though because when he swings the club at the ball he makes a HUGE jerky motion with the mouse and it looks and sounds like he's trying to take the kitchen counter out... =D
13. Marley and Me with my Mom...
Long story short, my mom and I saw the "Closed Captioned" version of Marley and Me. As in the screen had words on it. Not only that...but the rude mother next to us brought her 3 year old child who couldn't sit still OR be quiet. The kid talked over the movie AND cried and if she wasn't doing that she was running up and down the stairs. It was frustrating and the perfect example of why you shouldn't bring young children to a movie.
All and all it was a pretty good break. I hope you enjoyed the stories
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